Note: Entries which do not fulfill all of the following requirements by one of the contest deadlines will be returned without judging.
1. Entries must be typewritten, double-spaced (at least 1.5).
Please use standard 12-point font with upper and lower case letters.
The exact word count must appear at the end of the entry.
Stories of fewer than 1000 and more than 2500 words are ineligible.
The student’s name and school MUST NOT APPEAR anywhere on the story copy.
2. Typescripts must be publication-ready (i.e. fully and carefully edited, ready for printing, with correct paragraphing, punctuation, dialogue formatting, and spelling).
3. Electronic submissions to the contest, uploaded to the entry form, must be submitted as a Google Doc or Word document attachment.
Please avoid .pdf submissions, as these cause difficulties in the judging process.
4. Stories must be titled, with the title appearing on the first page. DO NOT USE A TITLE PAGE.
Number pages consecutively; no number is required on the first page. Make sure no by-line is included.
5. The entrant's name or school must NOT appear anywhere on the story, but should appear only on the entry form and in the subject line of the electronic submission.
6. Only one entry will be accepted from each student.